There are some rules to follow if your home is on a septic system rather than city sewer. This page contains tips and advice about maintaining a properly functioning septic tank.
Toilet Paper Advice for Septic TanksSeptic tanks function better when you select a toilet paper that is safe for use in, or especially made for use with a septic system. This is a page containing toilet paper advice for septic tanks.
Can I Use Yeast in My Septic Tanks?The bacteria in yeast is considered a good additive for septic systems. This is a page about, "Can I use yeast in my septic tanks?.
Is Vinegar Harmful to Septic Tanks?There are many household cleaners that are hard on septic tanks. In this page, discover if vinegar is harmful to septic tanks.
Is Dawn Safe for Septic?Is Dawn Septic Safe?
Using Brewer's Yeast in a Septic SystemThis is a page about using brewer's yeast in a septic system. Many homeowners with septic systems regularly add brewer's yeast to keep their system functioning properly.
Septic Safe CleanersThis is a page about septic safe cleaners. Homeowners with septic systems need to take care with the types of household cleaners they use that might enter their septic system.
Maintaining Your Septic TankKeeping the bacteria in a septic tank working properly is essential for breaking down the sewage. This page is about maintaining your septic tank.
Use Baking Soda to Maintain Septic PHMaintain your septic tank by flushing one cup of baking soda, every two weeks down the toilet. It helps maintain proper ph levels and control sulfide odors.
Rid-Ex Alternatives for Your Septic TankThis page contains Rid-Ex alternatives for your septic tank. There may be a way to save money on the maintenance of your septic system.
Willow Trees Growing Near Sewer Drains?I have a neighbor that lives directly behind me who planted three weeping willow trees at the bottom of his yard. The trees are about 20 feet apart from each other. One in each corner and one in the middle forming a row. There is sewer drain for the septic tanks and drainage from rain within 10 feet of the trees that runs in between the yards.
Sour Milk and Septic Systems?Could sour milk be beneficial to a septic system?
Septic Tank CleanerA monthly dose of this homemade septic cleaner should keep your system working well. This is a page about septic tank cleaner.
Septic Tank Care?I heard years ago that brewers yeast and honey are good for treating your septic tank each month. If so how much of each should be used?
Identifying a Septic System FailureThis is a page about identifying a septic system failure. Proper maintenance of your septic system and the ability to identify a system failure can prevent many problems.
Repairing a Broken Septic PipeThis is a page about repairing a broken septic pipe. Heavy tools and equipment can sometimes cause a disaster. Prompt pipe repair is necessary to be able to use the sewer system.
Blocked Septic System Plumbing?We are on a septic system and when we flush toilets we can hear a gurgling type sound as the water travels through the drains. I am assuming that there is the start of a blockage happening here. We have put some Actizyme down the pipes, but this hasn't fixed it.
Caring for Your Septic System?We are moving into an older home (built 1979) that has a septic tank. We are a family of 3 adults, 1 child, and frequent guests. We have 3 bathrooms, a garbage disposal, and a swimming pool.
Using Buttermilk in Septic Tank?Can buttermilk be a substitute for Ridex in septic tanks?
Can Flushing a Cigarette Butt Down the Toilet Damage a Septic System?A couple weeks ago, my friend put a cigarette butt down our septic system toilet before I knew it. Could one butt ruin the system?
Getting Rid of Septic Tank Odor?What can I do about septic tank odor?
Add Yogurt to Your Septic SystemYogurt does all sorts of wonderful things to keep you septic system in tip-top shape. It puts a great number of tireless cultures in there to get the job done and there is nothing much cheaper you can do that does as much good.
Thawing a Frozen Septic Drain?How do I thaw a frozen septic drain?
Block Yeast for Septic System?Does anyone know where I can purchase block yeast, not powder, for my septic tank?
Locating a Septic Tank?How can I locate my septic tank? I know there's a dye out there. Does anyone know it's effectiveness?
Having a Septic Tank Pumped?What does it cost to get a septic tank pumped out?
How Far Apart Should Your Well Be From Your Septic Tank?How far apart should your well be from your septic tank?
Washer Lint Blocking Pipes In The Septic Field?We have a septic tank and are having a problem with lint from the laundry blocking the pipes in the septic field. I use a filter on the hose that discharges water from the washer and also in the drain of the laundry tub, but it seems that lint is still getting through. Does anyone out there have any hints on eliminating lint?
Septic Tank Tips?I bought a house in the boondocks, with private water and septic. What are the dos and don'ts? I love bleach as a disinfectant, is it okay to use?
Using Cabbage in a Septic Tank?Has anyone heard of using cabbage for the septic tank?
Using Vim Cleaner With a Septic System?Is Vim cleaner safe for septic systems?
Septic Tank Care and Inspection?What is involved in a septic tank inspection? I am not familiar with a septic tank and its care.
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Harmful to Septic Tanks?Is apple cider vinegar harmful to septic tanks? My wife just poured an old 32 ounce bottle of Bragg down the sink!
Septic Tank Pumping?I bought a house two years ago and don't know when the septic tank was last pumped. Should I have the septic tank pumped as a starting care and maintenance program?
Septic Soak Away Pipe Clogged?My septic is not working properly. The soak away pipe seems to be clogged up and the water is leaking through concrete and it smells. Can I use yeast and sugar with warm water?