This page contains tips and advice for getting rid of bees and wasps around your home.
Use WD40 to Get Rid of Carpenter BeesSolvents and oils can often be detrimental to the health of insects. WD40 when sprayed on most insects will kill them. This is a page about how to get rid of carpenter bees.
Making a Bee TrapThis page is about making a bee trap. Bees are very important for plant pollination in our environment, but there are times when someone needs to be protected from a possible sting.
Keeping Wasps Away From Your HomeWasps can build a nest surprisingly quick around your home and be difficult to relocate. This is a page about keeping wasps away from your home.
Removing a Yellow Jacket Nest?This page is about removing a yellow jacket nest. A wasp's nest on or around your home can be a challenge to remove.
How to Make a Duct Tape Wasp Nest DecoyWasps are known to be territorial and will stay away from your dwelling, if they think there is already a nest nearby. This is a page about how to make a duct tape wasp nest decoy.
Repelling Hornets, Bumble Bees, and...This is a page about repelling hornets, bumble bees, and wasps. Many people prefer to keep hornets, bumble bees, and wasps away from where their homes.
How to Make a Carpenter Bee TrapCarpenter bees can destroy the wood in your home. Use this simple trick to capture carpenter bees. This is a page about making a carpenter bee trap.
Homemade Wasp RepellentKeeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life threatening. This is a page about Homemade Wasp Repellent.
How to Prevent Wasps From Building a NestWasps find protected dry wood a good place to nest, but they can be deterred with household cleaner sprays. This page is about how to prevent wasps from building a nest.
How to Get Rid of Bumble BeesNot all bees are the same. Bumble bees are relatively harmless, only stinging if harmed or the nest is threatened. They are very efficient pollinators and thus a necessary part of plant propagation. They tend to nest in out of the way areas of the garden and sometimes even underground (white tailed bumblebee). Their fuzzy abdomen differentiates them from the carpenter bee with which they are sometimes confused. This is a page about getting rid of bumble bees.
Getting Rid of Underground Bumble...This page is about getting rid of underground bumble bee nest. Having a bee nest under your lawn can be a problem.
Something is Burrowing Holes in My Deck?This is a page about something is burrowing holes in my deck. Out door building wood can be exposed to all kinds of pests. It can be a challenge to determine who is causing the damage.
Homemade Wasp TrapsThis is a page about homemade wasp traps. Buying wasp traps and the attractant at the store can be quite expensive. Making your own traps is easily done with items you may have around the house.
Getting Rid of Ground Dwelling Bees?There are several types of bees and wasps that live underground. Some are relatively mild mannered, while others, such as yellow jackets can be very aggressive. This is a page about getting rid of ground dwelling bees.
How to Keep Wood Boring Bees Away from a Deck?How does one keep those huge wood boring bees away from your deck? My husband is spraying them with bug spray and I hate to find their dead bodies on the deck. Is there a more human way to get them to go elsewhere?
Homemade Bee RepellentsThis is a page about homemade bee repellents. Keeping bees away from your home and yard can be costly and involve using commercial sprays. You can save money and perhaps use less toxic products by making your own homemade bee repellents.
Getting Rid of WaspsThis is a page about getting rid of wasps. If wasps infest your home they can be a real nuisance. There are several varieties of wasps and many different ways to get them out of your house.
Keeping Bees AwayThis is a page about keeping bees away. It is very annoying to be plagued by bees whenever you try to sit outside, have a picnic, or engage in other outdoor activities.
Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets on...This is a page about getting rid of yellow jackets on hummingbird feeders. Yellow jackets are attracted to the sweet mixture in your hummingbird feeders. Their aggressive nature make them an unwelcome guest.
Keeping Bees Out of Bird Houses?This is a page about keeping bees out of bird houses. Bees and other insects are known build nests inside birdhouses.
Carpenter Bees Damaging My Home?Carpenter bees bore into dead wood to nest. When that wood is part of your home they become a nuisance or even destructive. This is a page about carpenter bees damaging my home.
Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets in Your House?Yellow jackets can enter your home through very small openings, such as damaged screens and attic vents. This is a page about getting rid of yellow jackets in your home.
Rural Mailbox TipBe careful when going to get your mail from your mailbox if you have rural delivery. Now that it's warmer weather, watch out for all those little critters that are trying to find refuge from the sun.
Keeping Bees Out of the House?This is a page about keeping bees out of the house. Deterring bees from coming into your home can be a challenge.
Getting Rid of Digger Wasps?While repairing a lawn with patch seed, we noticed small yellow jackets coming out of the ground. How can we get rid of the underground nests now, without interfering with the new growth of our lawn. Help!
Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees in a Deck Stringer?I am trying to get rid of carpenter bees in a deck stringer. I was reading the article on carpenter bees, and wonder should WD40 be used as soon as a carpenter bee hole is noticed in decking? How will I know when there are no more bees in the wood? Also when can the holes be covered with steel wool or calking?
Getting Rid of a Hornet Infestation?Last summer I had a hornet nest under my cement steps. I used various sprays which cut them down some, but now they are back with a vengeance. Not only are they under the steps, but now I see them entering the edges of my metal roofing.
Use Dryer Sheets to Repel BeesDryer sheets have many uses outside of the laundry room. This page features a tip about using dryer sheets to repel bees.
Using Hair Spray for BeesOne of the many uses for hairspray is as a bug spray for bees. The page is about using hair spray for bees.
Keeping Bees Away From a Pool?This is a page about keeping bees away from a pool. Bees are often seen winging down to a backyard pool for a drink.
Getting Rid of BeesThis is a page about getting rid of bees. Although bees are not generally aggressive like wasps, you may not want them buzzing around your home or garden.
Getting Rid of Hornets?We seem to have an infestation of hornets and cannot seem to find the nest anywhere. Does anyone have an inexpensive solution to repelling the little pests? My husband is allergic to the bites. Please help, we do not have the finances to call in an exterminator.
Getting Rid of a Hornet's Nest Behind Siding?I have a hornet's nest under the brick on my house and one by one they're finding their way into my basement. What do I do?
Repelling Honeybees Naturally?I am looking for a bioactive compound from plants which repels honeybees.
Distract Bees With a Sugar Soda JugThe bees were so bad, I could not sit on my front porch. A friend of ours gave us this contraption that was a plastic bottle with holes in it, that you hung on a hook.
Yellow Jackets Invading Dog's Food?Yellow jackets are invading our dog's food all day every day. Is there any way to get rid of them? She has been stung several times. It is real annoying to try to feed her with them around.
Bee-safe Soda CoverWe have had a lot of problems with bees, small and large, before the cold weather hit. We love to sit outside and when having a cold soft drink, those pesky things come around.
Bees In Birdhouses?How do we rid ourselves of at least one large resident bumble bee in a low hanging bird house, which is also a terrorist for my grandchild? He's not sure if it's a bee or a large wasp.
Wasp Nests in My Pickup Truck?I have wasps in the bed of my pickup truck and under the bumper of it, I cannot get directly to the nest, how can I get rid of them?
Bees in My Trumpet Vines?What can I do to get rid of the bees in my front yard, that are in my trumpet vine bush?
Yellow Jackets (Bees) In My Foundation?I have been dealing with yellow jacket bees for several weeks now. It seems that the one day the bees have quieted down and the next they are back in full force. They have invaded a hole in the cement foundation of my house. Spray foam will not reach them.
Avoiding Bee Stings?Tips for avoiding bee stings. Post your ideas.
Do Carpenter Bee Traps Work?I was wondering if carpenter bee traps actually work? They look good and I want to believe they are low maintenance, but are they?
Repelling Wasps and Bees?I have a Christmas tree in my garden and on the trunk are some black egg like things which are attracting wasps and bees. What are these eggs and what can I do to get rid of these ?
Getting Rid of Ground Dwelling Bees?While mowing my lawn the other day I encounter some sort of bee I have never seen before. There were many and they live in the ground. I have tried bee and wasp killer to no avail. I also put gasoline in the hole. That didn't work either. They just build another hole.
Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets Inside?I am finding several yellow jackets in the house in the winter season. They are very slow acting.
Getting Rid of Hornets on Hummingbird Feeders?I have hummers every year, I can get ants and bees away from the feeders, but I have the black and white bald face hornets, they are really nasty! I have tried smaller holes and moving the feeders, but I just can't get rid of them and the hummers are afraid of them big time, any suggestions?
Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets in a Fern?I have a beautiful Boston fern in a pot that now has a yellow jacket nest in it. I want to kill the yellow jackets, but not the fern.