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Advice about Toddlers or Preschoolers (Questions)
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Toddler and Preschooler
This page contains advice for parents with toddlers or preschoolers.
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Parenting A Four Year Old?
My daughter is almost 4 and she is beyond attached to me. I can't explain it any other way other to say that it is extremely exhausting and unhealthy. I don't know what to do. Besides the extra clingy thing, she also has a really hard time listening. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep, it's an ongoing battle.
4 Answers
Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?
I have a 14 month old that won't stop crying. I have not changed her diet or routine, sometimes she is crying while I am holding her. I just don't know what to do anymore. It is causing stress between my bf and I. Can someone give any advice?
11 Answers
18 Month Old Wants Bottle During Night?
My granddaughter is 18 months old and still wakes up at night for a bottle. She cries till she gets it. She should be done with this shouldn't she?
6 Answers
Teaching a 20 Month Old Child Manners?
I'm trying to teach my nephew some basic manners and boundaries, but I don't want to involve swatting or raised voices in the process. He understands me well enough for 20 months, but we have to make some serious progress here and now. Any suggestions out there for this first-time startup family?
9 Answers
Keeping Carpets Clean with a Toddler?
We are going to be moving into a new apartment in the beginning of September. I have a 10 month old who loves to make messes and the new carpets are white. My question is; does anyone have ideas or tips on how to keep the carpet (especially in the dining room area) clean?
6 Answers
Ideas for Keeping a House With Toddlers Clean?
I'm a young mom of two toddlers. One is 3 yrs old and the other is 17 months. I find I am constantly picking up after them, it's kinda overwhelming. And also at the end of the day I am tired and don't wanna do much cleaning after they go to bed.
11 Answers
When Should the Child of a Deaf Parent Begin Learning Sign Language?
My friend asked me this question: A child is born to a deaf dad and hearing mom. Which is more important? That they learn sign language before English? Or learn both at their own pace?
10 Answers
Choosing Toys and Other Gifts for a 3 Year Old?
My sons 3rd birthday is coming up soon. I have a basic idea on some things to do like having homemade cake, decorations, and a birthday card with a personalized poem/saying by me. I am just stuck with what toys and gifts to get for him.
3 Answers
Helping Children Who Are Afraid of Animals?
My son, 2 and my daughter who will be 4 in Nov., are afraid of all animals, especially those on 4 legs. We had an outdoor cat when my daughter was 2 and my son was around 4/6 months. Then we moved and had to get rid of it.
1 Answer
Two Year Old Likes to Get Finger Tangled in Hair?
I have a daughter who will be 2 in April. She has curly hair, a little past her shoulders. She likes to twirl her finger in her hair. The problem is sometimes she gets her finger caught in her hair, cutting off circulation.
2 Answers
Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?
My granddaughter is 2 1/2 years old. She has lived with me since she was born. Her mom worked and was not willing or able to care for her. I was there when she had colic, for her doctor's appointments, and visitations with her dad.
8 Answers
Getting a Toddler Around in Winter Weather?
Winter will be here before we know it and I need to figure out the best way to travel around the neighborhood with my almost-two-year-old son.
14 Answers
Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?
We are going to Disney World in three weeks, and I am wondering if anybody has some suggestions on how to keep track of a wandering toddler. My son is 2 1/2 and is as fast as a rocket and inquisitive. (He just escaped out my front door - what a scare!). I have heard about wearing bright shirts.
29 Answers
Cleaning a Crib Mattress?
My DD has a toddler bed with a crib size mattress, the kind with plastic sealed around it, and the mattress has some small tears in it. When she wet to bed some of it seeped into the mattress and now her whole room smells.
5 Answers
Reactive Attachment Disorder Advice?
Does anyone here know anything about (R.A.D) Reactive Attachment Disorder and how to handle it in an 18 month old toddler?
4 Answers
Urine Smell on Toddler's Clothing After Being Washed?
My 2 year old son occasionally urinates through his diaper and the urine gets on his onesie and pajamas. What I've begun to notice is that even though I wash these items, the urine smell remains. Is there anything I can add to the wash load to help with the smell. I've tried Oxiclean but that hasn't worked.
12 Answers
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