Duck Left Egg?I have this black and white duck. She made a nest in the bush near a lake, and laid one egg down in it. She left the egg though and came in to her coop like usual. I know she is supposed to lay up to thirteen more or so. Is she supposed to sit on them when there is only one still there or should I incubate it?
Duck Not Sitting on Eggs Again?My duck started sitting on the 8 eggs she laid on the 19th of May 2020. Suddenly I found only 7 eggs. I don't know where the 8th one is and today is the first of June. I had noticed 3 days back that now my duck is not sitting on her eggs again. What may be the cause or are the eggs ready to hatch?
35 Eggs in One Duck Nest?This is my first time caring for ducks. We have 1 female and 2 males. We were excited when we found our first egg. We wanted to have little ducklings, and are learning the process. We have now counted 35 eggs in her nest. What do I do?
Can I Move My Pet Duck's Eggs?My duck just laid eggs for the first time. Her nest is not by her house or her area at all, we have owls and cats that can take her eggs. Can I move them without losing any babies?