Lifespan of a Gerbil?How long do gerbils tend to live?
Removing Gerbil Pee on Wood?How do I get gerbil pee off of wood? He has a wooden ramp and the second story is also wood. He pees all over them. I tried to have him use a potty, but all he does is chew them. I need help please!
Introducing a New Younger Gerbil?I have two gerbils, one is a year old and the other I'm estimating, is 4 weeks old. How can I get them to like each other? I have been putting them in a box and making a wall with small hole in it, but it won't do any good. Any answers?
Having a Gerbil as a Pet?Today I randomly chose to buy a gerbil. I've had mice in the past so I figured they were similar. After buying Aspen, I read a little on gerbils and everything I read said to buy two or more at a time for companionship.
Raising Gerbils in a Home With Cats?Is it OK to have gerbils even if you have cats?
Gerbil's Fur Turning Gray?What happens if a gerbil turns gray by the time you have had it not even a year?