This page contains information and tips about owning gerbils, breeding information, gerbil cages, and more.
Caring for GerbilsThis page is about caring for gerbils. These small, lively pets are inexpensive to keep and interesting to watch.
Lifespan of a Gerbil?How long do gerbils tend to live?
Removing Gerbil Pee on Wood?How do I get gerbil pee off of wood? He has a wooden ramp and the second story is also wood. He pees all over them. I tried to have him use a potty, but all he does is chew them. I need help please!
Hamster or Gerbil? I was wondering about getting a hamster or gerbil? I have had a male hamster before, he passed away a few years ago. He bit my mom, and got out of his cage and went and got in my closet, but we found him.
Introducing a New Younger Gerbil?I have two gerbils, one is a year old and the other I'm estimating, is 4 weeks old. How can I get them to like each other? I have been putting them in a box and making a wall with small hole in it, but it won't do any good. Any answers?
Gerbils In The Same Cage?I just lost my male gerbil. Can I put 2 females in the same cage?
Raising Gerbils?I had 2 female gerbils of about 6 months old. One of them died suddenly today, with no obvious signs of illness, in fact, she was fine just yesterday evening. The remaining one seems fine. Will she be OK on her own, or should I try to introduce a companion for her?
Will mother gerbils bury their babies?Will mother gerbils bury their babies? I'm afraid the pups will suffocate.
Can Mice and Gerbils Live Together?Can mice and gerbils live together in the same cage?
Gerbil's Fur Turning Gray?What happens if a gerbil turns gray by the time you have had it not even a year?
Having a Gerbil as a Pet?Today I randomly chose to buy a gerbil. I've had mice in the past so I figured they were similar. After buying Aspen, I read a little on gerbils and everything I read said to buy two or more at a time for companionship.
Raising Gerbils in a Home With Cats?Is it OK to have gerbils even if you have cats?