Pet Rat PhotosThis is a page about pet rat photos. Rats are very intelligent animals that can be easily trained, making them good pets.
Dumbo Rat - Breed Information and PhotosThis page is about dumbo rats - breed information and photos. These large eared pet rodents are quite sociable and laid back.
Caring for a Pet RatRats are intelligent and, if well cared, for make great pets. This is a page about caring for a pet rat.
Treating a Pet Rat With Fleas?I have a rat who has fleas and I can't get rid of them, any suggestions?
Turn Cage Into Luxury Rat CondoPet accessories can be very pricey, and aren't always made of the safest or best-quality materials. Don't despair! Rather than let a pet sit in a boring cage, you can outfit your pet's domain with objects you have around the house.
Pet Rats and Mice InformationChildren have always been fond of keeping mice and rats as pets, especially young boys. Intensive breeding over hundreds of generations has resulted in many colorful and interesting species.
Setting Up A Rat HabitatIn many ways, setting up for a pet rat is similar to preparing housing for other small furries -- rabbits, guinea pigs, or ferrets.