Sides To Serve 175 With Lasagna?I'm making lasagna to serve at our son's wedding. We are planning for 175 guests. What sides would you suggest that are good but not too expensive?
Serving Coffee at a Wedding?This is a page about serving coffee at a wedding. Coffee is often served at a wedding reception.
Keeping Drinks Cold at a WeddingThis is a page about keeping drinks cold at a wedding. At a wedding reception it can be challenge keeping the beverages cold.
Food Ideas for Summer Outdoor Wedding?I'm getting married in July. It's an outdoor wedding. I don't want to say that it's a 4th of July wedding, but we will have fireworks since this was how we met. What types of food are appropriate for this type of occasion?
Salad Recipes for a Wedding?I am getting married on our acreage May 2, 2009. We still have 3 ft. snow drifts so we praying for warm weather. We got lots of ideas from this website for the barn decorations. We just need some recipes for salads for 50-60 people. We are serving barbecued steak, chicken and shrimp.
Side Dishes for Baked Chicken at Wedding?My daughter is serving baked chicken at her wedding reception and we're wondering what are some good side dishes. We're both picky eaters but we both want everyone to enjoy the food and have a good variety without overdoing it. Also, any tips for wedding favors?
BBQ Food Suggestions?I need some suggestions for wedding food to serve at my wedding in 6 days. Yes, Dec. 23rd. We are having our wedding outdoors by the lake and we want to do a BBQ What sides should we serve?
How To Make Seals For Hershey Kisses?Does anyone know how to make the seals for the bottoms of Hershey kisses?
Decorated Ice For Punch BowlAt our wedding, we made special large cubes for the punch bowl and froze rose petals in it. You can use anything non-toxic, on other occasions I have used fruit slices, sprigs of mint, etc.
Wedding Recipe Ideas?Our daughter's getting married on 7/7/07, with an outdoor reception. She wants an elegant (yet simple) dinner, possibly buffet style, and I need to find recipes that will work for entrees, preferably chicken or pork.
Spiralling Fruit Centerpiece?I saw a fruit centerpiece on the internet that was made of chunks of fruit and spiralled upward. Does anyone know what is used for the base and to attach the fruit to?
Feeding 100 people at Wedding Without Caterer?I am having a wedding in the south for 100 people. I am on a budget and have no caterer. How do I feed 100 people for my wedding?
Serving Coffee at a Wedding?I live in Webster Massachusetts. I can't find a coffee machine rental for a wedding. What other options are available? Any ideas for serving coffee?
BBQ for 200 People?I'm getting married and I'm trying to figure out how much BBQ to get. There will be 191 people coming as of now. All the food for the wedding is really heavy, there's a pasta station with chicken and shrimp, and a grits station with biscuits, sweet potato fries and some other sides.
Food for a Wedding Reception for 70?I am in charge of cheese, meat, crackers and olive and pickle trays for a bridal shower with 70 guests. Any ideas on amounts I will need?