Information about wedding cakes. Tips and advice about buying, making, decorating, preserving, cutting, tasting, serving, traditions, and more.
Stacking a Tiered Cake Without Columns?How do I go about stacking a 3 tier wedding cake, without columns, so the heavy layers won't sink into each other?
Stacking a Three Tier Wedding Cake?Do I need to use Styrofoam on the bottom layer of a 3 tiered wedding cake, or can I use cake for all the layers?
Wedding Cake for a Morning Wedding?I'm getting married Oct 2. It is a mid-morning wedding with breakfast and brunch being served. My fiance would still like a wedding cake, but I'm stumped as to what kind to get? What is appropriate for a morning reception?
Urgent Wedding Cake Decorating Ideas Needed!All that is left is the decoration for our wedding cake. (I have the cake - homemade!. But I am completely stuck for ideas on decorating it!